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Henley Life & Pensions Consultancy
John Tamplin
Your Local & Independent Financial Advisor
John Tamplin is an A.C.I.I Chartered Insurance Practitioner with areas of expertise in:
Pensions, Annuities, Investments and Life Insurance
Authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority
(Number 143190).
LOCALHenley Life & Pensions is your local and independent financial advisor. | FIRST MEETINGWith Henley Life & Pensions, the first meeting is always free of charge to the client. | OPEN DOORHenley Life & Pensions very much encourages an open door policy and welcomes unsolicited calls from the public, who just have a financial query and do not know who to turn to. |
AIMThe aim of Henley Life & Pensions is to provide personal, practical and impartial advice to clients in the Thames Valley area. | UNCONVENTIONAL APPROACHIf a client does not understand what has been recommended then my advice is 'don't do it'! | TAMPLIN PHILOSOPHYFinancial Advice is as much about managing expectations as well as helping achieving them. |
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